No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us! You are always welcome here at Redwood!

The heart of children’s ministry at our church is to teach kids about who God is and how His word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways. Through engaging teaching, supportive environments, and fun classes, we guide kids toward a better understanding of what it means to have a real relationship with God. We want kids to know that the Bible is full of interesting stories that matter in their lives today, that fun and games are allowed in church, that worship can be full of music and silly dancing, and that there are adults in the church who truly want to love and lead them closer to Jesus. In other words, we want them to know that where God is, life is a lot more fun!
On Sunday mornings, the children are invited to participate in “Godly Play”, which is a unique way of interacting with the stories of the Bible. Godly Play is based on Montessori methodology and allows children to engage with the Bible in a way that shows them that Christianity is made up of many stories, and it is also made up of the stories we bring to the table. This allows children the freedom to form their own wonders and ask their own questions that the story may bring up for them. We have seen children grow through our Godly Play program, and we love sharing it with everyone!
RISE (9:00 AM)
EMBRACE (11:00 AM)
At Redwood, children are always welcome in worship, and there are coloring bags at the back of the sanctuary to help children engage with God’s word while also being able to be a part of the larger worship in the sanctuary. Children’s Church is an opportunity for kids in grades K – 3 to stretch their legs during the sermon. During this time, they partake in an interactive Bible lesson that could involve a skit, a game, a craft or even a small snack. Children are dismissed before the sermon, and return to the sanctuary afterwards. There is no Children’s Church on the first Sundays of the month.
Nursery is provided for children ages birth – kindergarten for all of our worship services.
We at Redwood UMC have a huge facility with plenty of rooms, showers, outdoor space and an Outreach Center! As such, we lovingly invite youth groups to come spend a week here and engage in very worthwhile mission projects around the Roanoke Valley. Your youth group would arrive, for example, on a Saturday or Sunday, work Monday thru Friday, and depart over the weekend. We would love for your group to worship with us either on the front or back end. Pastor Bryan has extensive experience working with mission entities in the Roanoke Valley and will put together a series of hands-on projects/work centers for your group based on your size, personal mission goals, and experience. We ask for a per person fee of $50 to cover utilities, etc. Your group will eat breakfast here at Redwood and prepare lunch to take to the job sites. We will also host dinner each night. We have a modern kitchen and Fellowship Hall with all the amenities. One day (a half a day during the week or the Sat. at the end) would be spent at Smith Mountain Lake as fun/play time.

We have numerous engaging small groups designed to help people follow Jesus in day-to-day life. At Redwood Church, adult small groups are where people learn how to love others in Christian community, while also growing deeper in faith. We offer several different adult small groups. Some meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. at the church, while others meet at various times and places throughout the week. Some are ongoing, while others come together for a period of time.
Young or old, Christian or not, single or married, man or woman—we’ve got a place for you! We encourage you to “try on” one of our adult small groups by contacting the church office at 540-483-9090 or, or checkout the below link for details on the groups.
Agape – For individuals of all ages. Topical studies.
Big Chill – For singles and couples of all ages. Topical studies.
Searchers – Share various topical, book and Bible studies.
Monthly Men’s Ministry Meeting 3rd Thursday of each month at a member’s home.
Bible Study Classes throughout the year on Wednesday’s at the church led by Pastor Bryan.
Two class times offered, morning at 10:30 AM and evening at 6:30 PM.

Stephen Ministry is Christ caring for hurting people. Lay caregivers (called Stephen Ministers) provide one-on-one Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated, and others facing a crisis or life challenge. Stephen Ministry helps our congregation to provide quality caring ministry for as long as people need it—in an atmosphere of confidentiality and trust. Contact the church office (540.483.9090 or for information about having a Stephen Minister to help provide care for you. For more information on Stephen Ministries, visit